Jan 25, 2024 - 01:34 PM
The Balmar APM-12 Alternator Protection Module for 12 volt systems works by momentarily shorting out the alternator output with the intention of stopping it charging. Once shorted there is no power to the regulator and with the battery no longer in the system the intention is that the alternator would not restart. If everything goes according to plan this would protect both the alternator and any other electronics connected to the battery. This is a fairly violent event, a direct short circuit to an alternator in full swing is quite an operation. This is not an ideal scenario but is the only option available if you have batteries with a built in BMS and you want to charge them directly from an alternator. The APM-12 comes with some disclaimers in the small print which can be summarized as follows: "No surge protection device can protect against unlimited surges in either amplitude, power or duration"